Thank you Karen!

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Thank you for standing up for BOTH affordable housing and parks and green spaces. We absolutely need both!

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Have to raise an eyebrow at the 10 minute walk to a park for MOST kids. The hugely family friendly Southern Village maybe kids can walk to a park. Ours in the Blue Hills district DON’t even have a crosswalk or sidewalk to get to Ephesus Elementary and no way can they get to the Community Center across 15-501. And with relentless construction the traffic will be even worse and more dangerous. How could the Council allow this and want to build even more housing here…the developers should have been incentivized to provide affordable housing within their existing plans instead they were allowed to tear down the existing affordable Colony Apts. And looks like the affordable Kings Arm’s apts will be next and the Hamlin Park affordable condos too seeing as the roundabout is already in their living room just about. BTW these are all on Ephesus Church Rd. A 5 minute walk to the Legion Green Space. Now do you understand why we are trying so hard to save the Legion Park? We have more and more people in this Community . It has grown so fast and so quickly and we need to have a central green space to make it livable for everyone. Thank you…

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Thanks for keeping us informed. Hope we have some new Pickleball courts with some of that park money, too. We are grateful for you.

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I could not fall asleep last night. I felt anger and betrayal. I felt like I cannot trust Town council, because I do not have enough information about what will be coming about affordable housing and Legion Park future. This morning I do have a little hope and looking forward to meetings that I plan to attend. Still a lot of concerns. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

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The council is ramming the decision about the Legion property through during a holiday period when everyone is distracted and without public comment. We are disappointed by the behavior of this council. Such behavior is not appropriate in Chapel Hill!

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Mr. Shillito - As I shared with Mr Mitchell, here is the link to the proposed framework and the Nov 29 meeting information - https://www.townofchapelhill.org/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/20237/15. There will be time for public comments at the information meeting as well as at the Dec 7 meeting. Additionally, as you know, the public can comment at any Council business meeting, and also contact Council members via email and phone. We have heard from hundreds of members of the public in these ways over the last several months, on top of the taskforce report that was developed based on public input in 2017. Following the Dec 7 vote, whatever framework is ultimately approved will shift to staff and advisory boards to draft more detailed recommendations to Council. There will be opportunities for additional comment throughout that process, as well.

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The Council has yet to show us this "and" (park "AND" development) plan referenced above for the Legion property. It's hard to "forestall" a plan, when one hasn't been announced.

My prediction:

- Wed. Nov. 23 (the day before Thanksgiving) We get this message.

- Tue. Nov. 29th: The town will announce their plan for the Legion property (with no public comment).

- Wed. Dec. 7th: The Council will vote and approve the plan.

Yep, 8 days later, they will vote on a plan, without any public input (except for the night of), without the involvement of the Parks and Reg groups, no impact studies, nothing... Democracy Dies in Darkness.

You can be FOR subsidized housing (you know, the apartments across the street from the park) AND large regional parks... but that takes time.

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Mr Mitchell - Here is the link to the proposed framework and the Nov 29 meeting information - https://www.townofchapelhill.org/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/20237/15. There will be time for public comments at the information meeting as well as at the Dec 7 meeting. Additionally, as you know, the public can comment at any Council business meeting, and also contact Council members via email and phone. We have heard from hundreds of members of the public in these ways over the last several months, on top of the taskforce report that was developed based on public input in 2017. Following the Dec 7 vote, whatever framework is ultimately approved will shift to staff and advisory boards to draft more detailed recommendations to Council. There will be opportunities for additional comment throughout that process, as well.

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